
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Sunday, 23 May 2010

A gentle ride ...

Wednesday 19th May
I'd decided to reward myself after the hot day I had before,and so lay in bed, waking around 8 a.m., and lay there watching the sun burn the clouds off the nearby hill tops...
it's a tough life but someone's gotta do it !
I thought the day would dissapear with me doing lots of nothing,
until late afternoon when I decided I would find a gentle road to ride along, and look at the local scenery !!
As I've said before, there's no such thing as gentle road in Spain - not in the mountains anyway... I set off from the campsite,through the village of Arenas de Cabrales, along the main road, which steadily climbed into the distance, passing a 'Picturepoint' where in the distance could be seen the imposing sight of Naranjo de Bulnes, one of the famed sights of the Picos (and one which I intended seeing at close quarters)up and up went the road, then started winding back on itself...always a sign of never ending steep hills...not to be dissapointed I carried on, ever upwards, until an hour late, and still the road climbed....

enough I decided, turned round and took the swift (very swift) ride back to the campsite !!

I spent the rest of the day sorting out which walks I was doing in the area !

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