
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Sun Up and Down !

Thursday 7th October 2010

The day of my cousin Maureen’s funeral,who had gone to join Susan on the 22nd Anniversary of our first meeting…..Rest in Peace

So what else could there be but a brilliant sunrise over the North East of BritainIMG_3568..and Welcome to a new day !!

I left Thurso on what looked to be a lovely day, and not wishing to waste it drove off..firstly passing Dounreay Nuclear Reactor, and then ‘Farr Point’,stopping briefly at Bettyhill, looking back inland to the mountains, with the sea behind me.IMG_3580

As I drove along the coast, the beaches and bays became more and more sandy, and lighter, then turning golden and red, and rocks had been ground down to form the sand again..I then landed at Smoo Cave, which I had previously visited with Susan – it hadn’t changed much, although tourism seemed to have arrived with guided tours available – closed !IMG_3604

This was a giant sea cave, which had also had a river flowing over the cliffs into it, which had eventually crashed through the roof, forming a great ‘blow hole’..

and on from there to Durness, where I visited the John Lennon Memorial Garden – 2 days from his 70th birthday !IMG_3628

Imagine !

I then went down into Durness Bay, and sampled the cold Atlantic Water, brrrrr…looking towards America.

IMG_3649 and as usual found a few Rocks to clamber up and over !IMG_3632 As I continued along the coast passing lots of old Military installations, a German warship passed by ! along with several jets which keep buzzing overhead

IMG_3653As I then drove towards Cape Wrath (no ferry) I then turned left, and inland and started my way South, in wonderful warm sunshine, although still breezy. I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to see all the sights in clear weather, and so continued..down South through the ‘flow country’ where Rocks,peat bogs and Lochs abound, a wonderful sight.

As I reached Ardmore Point,again back on the coast I tried to find somewhere to stay..all closed ! and ‘No overnight parking’ signs everywhere…I then drove down to Tarbet, across from Handa island, a bird Reserve, where there was a lovely Harbour area,and I vieweIMG_3664d the sun going down in the West of Britain, so there…I had watched the sun come up in the east, and go down in the West ! a Solar circumnavigation !and sunset over the Summer Isles…phew, must find a place to stop ! which I soon managed, in a small copse, looking down over a Loch, and listening to the Roar of the deer stags over the hills !

and later, to finish Stargazing...with 2 shooting stars flying down from above - wonder who sent those ?? Goodnight

Surfs Up !

Wednesday 6th October 2010

After spending the night looking out of my window on the brilliant starry skies, I eventually rose to a clear blue sky, and warm sunshine.

I decided a trip along the coast (walking)was the thing to do..I had decided to stay for a couple of nights,and no driving was to be done !

I walked from the campsite, along the posh ‘Victoria Walk’ along the seafront, and towards the distant Dunnet Head, and bay. Firstly going through old Thurso, passing the old St Peter’s Kirk (church) still well preserved (12Century)IMG_3511 and then around the River Thurso, across the bridge, and back onto the sea coast, walking in front of the old Thurso castle, which looked like it was going to fall down any minuteIMG_3547

and then leaving Thurso behind continued along the cliffs, and bays, watching the waves crashing in below ,the thousands of sea birds, most of which I don’t know the name of (but they flew !),around Clardon Head towards West Myrkle…where once again I saw some surfers ‘riding the waves’IMG_3530

and looking far more succesful than some I had seen earlier in Thurso Bay. The views over the sea, and cliffs were really good ,and once again, I got my ‘geologists’ hat on, exploring all the differing formations ,still not knowing much, but enjoying it !

Lunch over I returned the same way along the cliffs , passing ‘Harrolds Tower’ –the mausoleum of the ‘Ulbster Clan’IMG_3542 - which looked like it would fall down soon…and back to Thurso.

It had been windy, but became sunnier and sunnier as the day wore on…

Again a great starry sky to occupy me, and a nice snooze..

Nowhere to lay my head…

Tuesday 5th October 2010

Having left Kate and Wayne's on Monday I had travelled through Inverness,again visiting ‘Tiso’ outdoor shop (without purchase ,as usual!), and travelled up along the Eastern coastal route, which by now had changed into the ‘North Coastal Route’, through the Cromarty Firth, Inverrgordon,Tain and around the Dornoch estuary, which had brilliant sandy beaches, and views out to sea,but, as I was to find…all the campsites were closed, and everywhere I thought would be suitable to stop had ‘No overnight Parking ‘ signs, in bright yellow !…hmm, hope it get’s easier?

However I eventually managed to find a secluded area inside Skelba Forest just slightly inland, north of Dornoch… the rain pattered on the roof, but I was cosy !

Tuesday morning dawned misty ,breezy, but dry, and I set off, back to the coast, visiting various Coastal villages including Dunbeith, IMG_3496home to a famous Scottish writer Neil Gunn,  and on to the Hill O’Many Stanes, which they are still trying to work out what they exactly were for ? IMG_3500  and continuing up the coast, following the Pictish Trail,well signposted,with various artifacts available for viewing at all the differing locations..

Eventually arriving at the top ? John O’Groats or is it…IMG_3504 ??

It may be the bit where everyone gets photo’s but as you’ll see there are various other claims to it !

Anyway, try to find the campsite to look over the North Eastern tip, out to the islands…it was shut ! as was everything else around it… so carrying on to Dunnet HeadIMG_3506 ..the real most Northerly point on the mainland, where it was very,very breezy (gale force,or stronger…)

and then on from there, along the North Coast, with nowhere I could stop, and all campsites closed…

Eventually arriving at Thurso – the most Northerly Town ! on the British mainland…and a campsite that was open…run by an American !..but a place to stay, and pleasant it is ! Overlooking the sea, and towards the ‘Old man of Hoy’ a great rock tower..

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Another Highland Eviction !!

Monday 4th October 2010

Everyone up bright and early..

Wayne (newly promoted Acting >>>)

Kate (off to new station)

Jotown (still no cup of tea in bed!) packing Wally and setting off for further travels along the East Coast,Northwards…

Not sure what t’internet will be like, so updates may be sporadic…but,

having fun !

…and Thanks to Kate and Wayne for entertaining,putting up with me and feeding me for a week!

Monday, 4 October 2010

The Papal Fun comes to Elgin

Sunday 3rd October 2010

Great breakfast from Kate of Scrambled eggs on toast, and leaving the washing up for Wayne, we went to St Sylvesters http://www.stsylvesters.org.uk/ for a mass that was to be quite different, and fun. Fr Colin Stewart, the Parish priest was present, and in charge of the technical aspects ( fun to watch!), and the mass continued with a presentation from children from the school who had gone to Edinburgh recently, to watch the Pope in his Popemobile journey across the city, so they had an audio visual presentation, instead of Fr Stewarts normally entertaining homilies, and at the conclusion of Mass, we were all given a small flag (guess what!)…..

File:Flag of Scotland.svg 

to wave, as the Priest,Deacon Vincent and servers were piped off the Altar, and we all waved our flags recreating the Papal procession…whew, what a service (and it only took 1 1/2 hours !)

Then, Sunday papers in hand, we returned to Kate’s for an afternoon of reading,snoozing…and ironing!

Ready for the weeks ahead

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Wayne goes Qwackers at the Ceilidh

Saturday 2nd October 2010


Although the sun shone in Scotland, there was a brisk breeze blowing outside, as Masterchef Wayne did the obligatory Saturday Egg and Bacon rolls for breakfast ! – these TV programs certainly make a difference to the cooking !

Then it was on the bikes for me,Kate and Wayne, and we set off in the direction of  Plusgarden Abbey http://www.pluscardenabbey.org/home.asp not too many miles from Elgin (8)

As we travelled the quiet roads, the cross winds were quite blustery, and Kate frequently (well, not too often) complained of, how can I say…her sore ‘bum’ not having the benefit of padded shorts ( like me and Wayne)..and not having recovered from our ride of Thursday.

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We got to the Abbey, and had a look inside the quiet chapel,all on our own, and were amazed at the quiet and peace of the Abbey and surroundings..then it was back on the bikes for a swift return to Elgin, and baths before our evenings entertainment !!

After a really Scottish dinner of Stovies and oat cakes, just to get us in the mood, we then returned to the Mansion House http://www.mansionhousehotel.co.uk/- scene (January 2010 ) of Kate and Wayne’s wedding reception, and more highland jinks ! – for a charity Ceilidh –which Kate had seen advertised in the local paper…and the evening did not disappoint . We were made very welcome, being ,probably some of the very few who were not from a local school, but after deciding that we were there to have fun and join in, the night got better and better !

Me and Kate did the ‘Virginia Reel’DSC05681 with Wayne being persuaded to do the ‘Okey Cokey’DSC05686

But,and you know the saying ‘Be careful what you wish for – you may get it !’ Well Wayne purchased lots of raffle tickets, wishing for one of the many bottles of Malt Whiskey, or football paraphanelia…but said ‘I bet I end up with those Ducks’…well, at the top of this page is the evidence of Wayne’s success ! We roared with laughter(blaming someone up above, who was no doubt laughing also!), and took our prizes home later, for distribution..One for the house,one for Wayne’s new office…and his revenge ..one for Wally

We finished the night with ‘Auld Land Syne ‘http://www.electricscotland.com/burns/langsyne.html (try it !)

and roared our way home, great fun !