
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Monday, 25 October 2010

We’re All Home !

Monday 25th October 2010

It was a cold ,frosty night in Glencoe, and I awoke very early for the trip home…although not as early as the big feller, for as I was awakening in Scotland, big brother should have been landing in Manchester from Calgary, Canada…. Welcome home Sean !

I was on the road by 9 a.m., into a blistering sun, with frozen fields all around, and as you can see, there were some pretty special views on the way, looking back into Glencoe, with the moon still out !



So, there it was, by early afternoon I was through Glasgow, and back into sunny England…and managed to get to Sainsburys by 3-40 p.m. ! A few essentials, and I was on the way, landing home just before 5 p.m., phew what a journey and what a trip, Scotland in the Autumn has been brilliant !

I travelled 2,219 miles, took 1,161 pictures, and spent very little !

All that remains now…



is to do the washing, and…


  open the post !




Hope you’ve enjoyed the journey,

so until the next time !

Stay safe, and keep having fun, we will !

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Red in the morning – papers warning..

Sunday 24th October 2010

I awoke this morningIMG_4305 to a heavy frost outside, and a red sky as the dawn broke (just before 8 a.m.), it was to be another beautiful day from the looks of it, I happily lay in bed, looking out the window at the view- not quite the same as home!

I was up by early morning, reading some of yesterdays papers, breakfasting, and then out by 10 a.m. ready for a walk to Ballachulish, 2 miles or so distant for 11 a.m. Mass at St Muns Church,http://www.rcdai.org.uk/pages/Parish-List.html it was freezing cold, but my brisk pace soon had me warmed up, in fact by the time I got there I was boiling, and very hot .

As seems to be usual for Scotland, the priest was obviously recently new to the Parish, coming from I suspect India, or even Australia ! and with his good humour the 1 1/4 hours mass didn’t seem that long !- you certainly get your money’s worth here !

I then returned to Glencoe village, for chocolate cake and hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream !at Crafts and thingshttp://www.craftsandthings.co.uk/, which I’d visited many times in the past, and then collecting a Sunday newspaper and returned to Wally…. to spend the rest of the day reading them !IMG_4316










It was a day to relax, before the long journey home tomorrow !…but, should I return, especially if the weather continues like this ?

Can this be the End ?

Saturday 23rd October 2010

I awoke to clear blue skies,IMG_4279     and could see a gentle dusting of snow on the lower hills, what a difference from yesterday !

Perhaps I should have waited a day ?

After  a leisurely breakfast, and packing up I left Glen Nevis and headed for the Nevis Ski Gondola, where the famous ‘Witches trails’ bike routes were http://www.ridefortwilliam.co.uk/trailsdb.asp?trailId=1– I had decided on a last day of activity before starting my journey home…

I started with the gentle blue ‘Broomstick trail’ which plunged down the hill, and sadly back up again..warming me up nicely for the ‘World Champs’ red route…IMG_4282I was ready, and off I zoomed through the forest, up along boardwalks, and jumping over rocks, it felt a lot harder today, than previous, perhaps my legs were still feeling the effects of yesterday!

Undaunted I continued around the trail, at some quite fast speeds (downhill !), until eventually I roared back into the car park, for some much needed grub !

Having tanked up, I was ready for the next one ‘10 Under the Ben’ IMG_4285and as I got to the start gate ! shock, horror – it had been closed, which was a pity as I’d decided to do it…so what did I do.. I tried to catch a gondola for the ‘red downhill route’ –closed for the season ! I went back to the only other red route available, the ‘World Champs’ again, only this time I went on a higher, more tortuous route, my legs screaming at me to take a rest… and whilst taking a short break and photo stop found that I had gone grey !IMG_4289 

It must be the moisture (sweat) gathering on my locks, and shining in the afternoon sun !

Again I swooped down the trail, over new and old obstacles, managing to jump many that I’d not dared before – well it was my last day!, until eventually collapsing into the car park !

IMG_4294 (2)Its all over now…or is it ??

I then travelled into Glencoe, where I had booked into the campsite for 2 nights, intending to visit the world famous ‘Clachaig Inn’ for beer,food and music..

I walked from the campsite, the couple of miles along the pitch dark A82 to the Clachaig, http://www.clachaig.com/p/v/whats-on/october/to find an Autumn Beer Festival in full swing, and the place was heaving..

I managed to get a seat between 2 couples, who didn’t quite know what to make of this sweating hulk who’d just landed between them – it being roasting in the pub,compared to my freezing cold journey there..

It was a good night, with a hot beef chilli and Nachos for my evening meal, washed down with a few!  pints of Beinn Dearg http://www.camra.org.uk/page.aspx?o=corrections2010beer, along with a rousing Celtic group form Dundee, who finished the night with the rousing and  obligatory ‘Loch Lomond’ and ‘Flowers of Scotland’ with people standing on chairs,tables and anyone else !

I then accompanied by the starry twinkling sky, returned to the campsite, and the warmth of Wally ( I’d left the heater on),  for a good nights kip !