
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Monday, 25 October 2010

We’re All Home !

Monday 25th October 2010

It was a cold ,frosty night in Glencoe, and I awoke very early for the trip home…although not as early as the big feller, for as I was awakening in Scotland, big brother should have been landing in Manchester from Calgary, Canada…. Welcome home Sean !

I was on the road by 9 a.m., into a blistering sun, with frozen fields all around, and as you can see, there were some pretty special views on the way, looking back into Glencoe, with the moon still out !



So, there it was, by early afternoon I was through Glasgow, and back into sunny England…and managed to get to Sainsburys by 3-40 p.m. ! A few essentials, and I was on the way, landing home just before 5 p.m., phew what a journey and what a trip, Scotland in the Autumn has been brilliant !

I travelled 2,219 miles, took 1,161 pictures, and spent very little !

All that remains now…



is to do the washing, and…


  open the post !




Hope you’ve enjoyed the journey,

so until the next time !

Stay safe, and keep having fun, we will !

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1 comment:

  1. Welcome home dad! We certainly enjoyed your travels, looking forward to the next instalment xx
