
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Champion of the North

Friday 1st October 2010

Well, we took it easy today, so whilst Kate went out to the Hairdressers, Wayne was completing his last day before promotion…I was left to wash Wally and later, Kate’s car..life’s tough.

Once Kate returned we went out to Lossiemouth for lunch..at Kate’s favoured lunch place… http://www.theharbour-lights.co.uk/  where we indulged in seafood, smoked salmon, followed by cakes…luvverly.

We returned home ,finding Wayne sprawled on the couch..! ready for the evening …

Which started by a game of Dingbats !.. and who was the winner ?

photo[1] (2)Some things never change ! Champ again…

We also sampled Wayne’s ‘barman’ skills as he mixed our Mojito’s DSC05650 before heading out (after ‘sprucing up) to    Lossiemouth,again, and the 1629 Restaurant http://www.the1629.co.uk/ a great Fish restauarnt, where we all had differing fish dishes..and scrumptious desserts…and after ‘sampling’ the pubs of Lossiemouth we returned home for a good night’s snooze..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dad, i see the wind has been playing havoc with your hair again???
