Tuesday 11th May 2010
Up bright and early, packed Wally tight for the Road, and off to Fuente De...about 15 miles and 20 miuntes drive away.
I arrived about 9-30 a.m., before the cable car had started for the day, although there were lots of the workers milling around, changed and was ready to go !!
What a day ahead, if only I'd known ....
I decided that as I hadn't really been too high so far, and not knowing whether there was much snow higher up, I would do a relatively (I thought) route of around 4 hours... up and around the Vega de Liordes, from Puente De, circling the tops, and returning back into Fuente de..
So off I went, a reasonable start up wide tracks, and going ever higher, not seeing anyone on the trail...and a ple3asant day in prospect- I'd started at 1078 mts, so the going, at times was straight up...and me wishing I'd brought my walking poles, or as it later transpired ice axes and mountain boots... still I tell the tale too early...I was dressed for a cool summer day, although I had decided to wear my long pants,not shorts !!
After a couple of hours, I had climbed up towards the 2,000 mts mark, and had found myself in deeper and deeper snow, which normally wouldn't have been a great problem, but, I didn't really have the right equipment, and the snow was becoming deeper, and deeper, and was very wet and slushy, and I had a few minor bumps and scrapes...clinging onto the Mountain to stop me sliding down rather quickly !!...

I was trying to get up a couloir towards Pedabejo, at 2169 mts, but with the increasingly difficult terrain, the snow ( yes, it was snowing , in May!)

and the final straw was when I saw that my route actually went up the area that had obviously avalanched a few times before, the debris lying all over my route, I decided to go back lower, and try around the other side...Although the mountain Chamois had managed to run across the Mountain in front of me..
I managed to retrace my steps by the simple method of sitting down and sliding at some speed back towards a mountain refuge hut...where I stopped a short time, wrung out my socks/boots...and started again.

I found another route towards the Vega de Liordes, and at first things went well..and I quickly gained most of my lost ground, until it wended it's way back towards the route I had not been able to get up.. i hoped to be able to circumnavigate the worst of the snow, and if I could get to the top, I would be able to complete my route ( I thought )
Once again around 2000 mts I was unable to climb further up the mushy,soft snow, although the sun had broken out ( a bit), so I decided to call it a day and return back the way I'd come... It had alreday taken me four hours, and that was supposed to be the days route time...
I then wandered back down through the snow, past the Refuge hut, again wringing out me socks, and wended my way back down to Fuente De, but not before I had chance to send a special message for ??.... Watch this !!
Not many people will have had this sent to them from this location--
I arrived back in Fuente De around 3-30 p.m., 5 1/2 hours, for a 4 hour route, and not completed...always another day ( with the right gear !)- and not met a single person on the Mountain or trails.
and...I only ended up with a hole in my goretex jacket on the elbow...and a bleeding scar beneath...
So I celebrated when I got back to the campsite...with a hot shower ( Oh, for a bath..) and an ice cold bottle (or two) of Budweiser...just before the Rain thundered in...heater on, and watching the world go by.
Oh, nearly forgot...almost a disaster - no bottle opener - the 'multi tool' they got me from work on Retirement came in useful,it has one - Saved !!
Happy Days
Wonder what tomorrow will bring ??...
and will there be a Government back home in the U.K. ??
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