
Welcome to my blog ........

here you'll be able to follow the 2010 travels of that famous ,debonair,handsome and wonderful raconteur, as well as disc jockey from the 1960's --Jotown,

travelling in his Campervan, affectionately known as 'Wally' around Europe

All persons referred to ,especially those affectionately 'nicknamed' are Thanked for their appearrances, and contact on my journey.

Feel free to leave me a message, and let me know what you think....and if you're in the area where I am likely to be....send an invite !!


...And if you've enjoyed the 2010 journey as much as I have, then join me in 2011...in my new blog http://www.jotownandwallyontheroad2011.blogspot.com/
it'll be great to see you there !

Thursday, 29 April 2010

The Lap of Luxury

Friday 23rd April to Sunday 25th April 2010
as me and Wally arrived at http://www.dartmarina.com/ I realised I was in for a few days of Luxury...
My Bedroom overlooked the River Dart, and I could see the higher ferry operating acros the River, along with yachts coming and going up and down the River...and on the other side of the River the steam coming from the engine of the train on the http://www.aboutbritain.com/PaigntonandDartmouthSteamRailway.htm
After a pleasant afternoon soaking in the pool,Spa and steamroom I joined Dot for evening dinner in the Restaurant....magnificient !!
We had a table overlooking the River Dart, watching the sunset, and had a good meal of (mine) Oysters, Sea Bass and Chorizo,followed by a lemony dessert, all washed down with Wally's favoured New Zealand sparkling wine !!
Coffee etc followed by an early night.
The rest of our stay at the Hotel was equally pleasant, although we had other things to do...Wedding !


  1. Great Blogg Joe
    Keep it up
    All our love Tony, Maggie, James & Rebecca

  2. Glad you are doing it in style Joe and long live Wally!
    Love Joan
